Monday, 8 February 2010

Week 3 (",)

Well this week i have been really happy with myself. I have tried really had.
[url=]Phentermine[/url] forums

Friday, 5 February 2010


All I can say is 'YAY ME'

This week I have been absolutely fabulous, I have started doing charity work to fill my time, I haven't eaten anything fattening, I have been drinking plenty of water and I feel amazing.

After last week I really didnt think I could get myself back on track, but I have just completely pulled my socks up and made a U turn because I am back on the right track again and making myself the person I want to be. I Lost 6 lb on my first week, then I gained a few pounds but Im sure I have lost those few gained pounds now. I have tried harder than ever and I feel like it is completely working.

I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday so I am going to ask about my options. A friend has told me that if I am above a certain weight then they could refer me to slimming world but Im not sure that is for me, I would be more happy with some pills or something lol.

Well, I will keep u updated. Cheerio xxx

Monday, 1 February 2010

Angry girl

You have no idea how angry I am with myself. I completely lost control of myself last week and ate till I was almost sick. I am a greedy Greedy GREEDY pig and Im not letting it happen EVER again!!!

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Oh dear

I have really gone down hill. Ive lost all interest in losing weight when I was soooo motivated. I need to get back on it but find it hard to do until its a new week. So monday is the restart. I can do it :D

Monday, 25 January 2010

Weigh In Day has come

Today is the day I am going to weigh myself and see what the week has done for me. Im not hoping for much, infact I am a bit anxious about it.

Even if I have only lost 1lb I will be happy but I will force myself to try harder. I feel as though I have lost some weight...fingers crossed.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

The Naughty Weekend

Oh dear...

This weekend has been a massive let down for me. I had a naughty curry on Friday and I overslept on saturday and sunday. Mostly my boyfriends fault but I blame me too. Im going to get right back on track starting today and I plan to carry on religiously. I was so proud of myself for the entire week. You couldnt remove the smile from my face. The tiny set back wont be noticable I hope.

I can do it :D cos this is it !!!

Friday, 22 January 2010


Well I think, all in all, yesterday was a blazing success. I think throughout the entire day I probably only at 1000 Calories which made me feel excellent. My glasses of water have drastically decreased but i do intend to get back to doing that. Bring on today :D

Thursday, 21 January 2010


I went to tiown today and bought almost my entire body weight in Fruit lol. well it felt that way walking home anyway haha

A bit gutted though because the plumbs I bought dont taste very nice but the bananas make up for it becayse they taste really ripe.
My plan was to go to town and buy meals for the week but I got carried away and couldnt resist all of the bargains on fruit and fish etc so I came home with Cockles, Salmon, Fruit and meals =/

...Owell, we can live on banana sandwiches all week :P hehe. I am going to town again on monday so I will get some more food. Im finding it fun, chosing the different meals and food.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

What the future is bringing for moi!

I have very high expectations for 2010. Not only are u going to bring me season 3 of Dexter and a bundle of excellent story lines on Eastenders...I also want the following from you!

- I want you to get me to Coventry. Preferably by your 5th month. Reason for this is because I miss my friends and family more than I have ever missed anything in my life. I want to be closer to my memories of Shaun and I want to be with my sisters every day. I want to help my mum when shes not feeling well and catch up with the friends I abandoned.

- I would like to start college. Coventry City College to be exact. And yes, you might be thinking I have been there, done that...but I want to go back and I want to go back this year to complete the course I should have done in the beginning. Forensic Science :D

- I would like to get into a size 10 if that is okay with you. I know it is far fetched and rather 'out there' but I want this more than anything. I want to feel happy. I think if I look the way I want to look then I will have a reason to smile every day :)

Day 3

Today I have been more relaxed because ive started to get in the swing of things. I've definately not managed to get my 8 glasses of water in but its not a problem I suppose :) I have however, done my exercise and have had no snacks whatsoever. We had a 2 hour long power cut this afternoon so I was kind of restricted to what I could and couldnt do but I chose to bop away to my ipod in the kitchen lol.

I was on a bit of a downer today and almost gave into temptation and have a chain of cup'o'teas lol but I fought the temptation and survived the day hehe. :) Going shopping tomorrow for some fruit n veg. Looking forward to it strangly. x

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Day 2

Its almost the end of day 2 and it have been really good. I have had 7/8 glasses of water and a glass of milk. Ive almost completed my to do list too :D

Im starting to feel really good about myself because I know I can do. Ive never alowed myself to be this strict before. :D Smiles all round yay

Change of plan


I was all ready to go out, best clothes on, makeup on and smelling good and my bf was still in bed so i went to get him up for the 4th time when he said he was poorly and doesnt want to get up -.- so now i am in all my clobber and my daily plan screwed so ive made a new plan. Im going to do exactly what I did yesterday lol.

have to have my dinner at 2pm today because i had my brekkie late.

Happy Happy

Everything is red rosey at the moment. I went to bed at 12, got woken up at 9 by the cat though which I wasnt too pleased about cos I lost an hour of well needed beauty sleep but owell I managed to fit a few other things into my morning rather than sleeping. The boyfriend of course is still in bed sleeping his day away and no doubt will get up about 10 minutes before we are due to leave.

Im a still extremely proud of yesterday and even though it was only day one and it could all probably go downhill in front of me now, I am just so proud how much motivation I have. In total yesterday I had:
- A cereal Bar for breakfast
- A Ham Sandwich for Dinner
- Vegetable curry for tea ( Which turned out to be a bit horrid so i threw it away)
- In replacement of my curry I had a Go Ahead yogurt Bar.
- 8 Glasses of water
- 1 cup of tea
- 1 Cup of coffee.

Today I am going to my boyfriends' parents for the day, they all eat healthily anyway so that wont be a problem. I probably wont get my 8 glasses of water in today but I will definately try.
Also my Wii fit is going to have to be on hold today but this isnt a problem because it is about 25 minutes of downhill walking lol.

Wish me luuuuck :) xxxx Jo

Monday, 18 January 2010

End of Day 1

Well....I have to say, I am extremely happy with myself. I have stuck to everything I said I would and already feel like a superstar. I wish I could describe what it feels like to have stuck to these changes. Yes I know its only day one and it was only a small hurdle but I honestly enjoyed it beyond explanation. The day has flew by and even though I had had around 90 trips to the toilet because of my 8 pints of water, everything has been excellent. So I am going to go to bed in about an hours time, and be as fresh and motivated tomorrow as I was today.

Tomorrow might be a challenge though as I am going to my Boyfriends Parents for dinner and I might not get my 8 glasses of water but I will most certainly try. Thanks for reading and sorry for the ranting.

Jo xxxx

Weigh in

Okay so ive just weighed myself and Ive not lost anything YET! This isnt going to bother me though because it is only day one. I have done my 10 minutes exercise and I plan to increase how long I exercise for the fitter I get.

The Rush

Well Im half way through day one and I am more than happy with myself so far. I have been active and motivated. Im about to do my weigh in and see if I have reached my 2 lb goal I set myself last week. I cant see any reason why I've not met it...apart from the gorgeous curry I had the other day but I starved myself for the day to make room for it. so I suppose that counts :)

Or am I just making excuses....Wait what am i doing? this is a fresh new start, whatever I have done before today does not matter. 18th of January is a fresh start Ive got to keep it in mind. I cant wait for my milestone next year. I wonder if I am in a size 12 by then. The only person that can make sure that I am is me.

Don't get me wrong, People who are a size 8 do look nice but I dont want to be 'skinny' I want to look healthy more than anything. I dont want anything over hanging or rubbing or stretching. I want to be the shape I was born to be and look in proportion to my height. I have a picture of me from 3 years ago in Blackpool and I looked amazing but I remember thinking at that time that I look gross.

After going out I felt the rush and the tingle through my fingers with the thought in my head that every bit of walking is a bit more towards my goal. I have to say it felt amazing. I still have the tingle in my fingers. Usually when I go out I walk at snail pace and shout at my boyfriend for walking too fast. From now on...Im a power walker :D

Veggie Curry tonight...yum yum :)


Well its morning numero Uno.

So far...So good :D I've stuck to what I have said and I am being very strict with myself.

Sorry to those who might think this is a pointless post but I start as I mean to go on :D xxx

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Replacment Ideas

Ive decided to make a list of my most naughty Food/Drink, and think of a healthier replacement for it;

Chocolate >>Replaced by<< Fruit/Cereal Bars
Tea >>Replaced by<< Water/Fruit Juice
Chips >>Replaced by<< Salad/Rice
Take Away Curry >>Replaced by<< Home made Curry
Crisps >>Replaced by<< Carrot Sticks/Cellery
If I can stick to this, I can do anything! :)


Here is my before picture. I am going to take this monthly in order to see if I am showing any weightloss.

My Goal...s

So here I am at the beginning of what is going to be an amazing journey and lets be honest, I AM going to succeed. How can someone with this much enthusiasm invading their face do anything but succeed?

First of all I need to set some simple Goals
1. Starting Date is going to be 18th January 2010. Starting a new lifestyle on a new week only sounds logical.
2. 1 Sugar instead of 2 - This might only make a small difference and make my tea taste icky but a small difference is better than no difference.
3. STRICTLY No Snacking. This is my biggest problem and I need to get out of it. Give not into temptation.
4. Eat only when hungry - I sort of do this already...or at least I convince myself that I am hungry...but from now on its 3 meals a day THATS IT.
5. Exercise.Sounds simple enough but with 6 inches of snow underfoot its impossible. So I am going to commit to my Wii Fit Ritual Daily. No excuses now.
6. I don't drink many fizzy drinks at the moment anyway but when I do, I always get normal coke which bloats me and pumps me full of sugar so now I'm avoiding it completely. Soft drinks only.
7. This is a kind of stupid rule to be writing up right now because it is gone 1 am but I am going to try and stop going to bed at silly times as I end up getting up at even worse times. I want to have a healthy sleeping pattern to give me a more active day.
8. Drink water more often - Water clears the system out so it is wise to drink more and more of it if I want the nasty fat to go away.
9. Watch those calleries. I've never been a fan of people who count calleries, I've always thought to eat in moderation. But this obviously hasn't worked for me so I am going to watch the calleries but not religiously as thats just obsessive.
10. And finally, DO NOT GIVE INTO TEMPTATION. Sounds simple enough =/

I currently weigh 12st 6....Lets let the good times role :D

The Beginning

I'm going to start off by telling you some things about me. My name is Jo and I am 21 living in the West Midlands with my boyfriend of 3 years. I am currently out of work after losing my job in April and finding it particularly hard finding another one. I'm not going to lie and say that I am an active person because I'm not but I do walk alot. I think my main issue is that I think too much, especially at night. I think about things I should be doing instead of sitting on the laptop, and I think about things that should have changed if only I had done it when I wanted to. I often get to the point where I have a big brain wave and label it my last chance, and start lists etc to force myself to keep to something. But I never do...perhaps this is one of those times. Perhaps this blog is going to be abandoned and never to be written on again.
I hope not...
Because this IS it. I AM going to change now. Because I have things to look forward to and fears to avoid. I am 21 years of age and I am killing myself, not in the most obvious of ways but I am all the same.

If you are wondering 'what on earth is this depressing clown on about?' I am talking about my health. I am a very unhealthy, unfit person and I want more than anything to change it. Alot of the things I want for the future and for today depend on it. I am one of those people that have to write everything down to make it real. So here I am, writing it down and I intend to make it a success.

Tomorrow is the first day of my new life and I am going to change. I am...I promise.